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Sebastijan Orlić

Founder: Kvaliteta života, Team Specialist: GlycanAge & Science Associate: Ani Biome, Croatia

Title: Longevity phenomena in human practice

Ilia Stambler

Bar Ilan University, Israel

Title: Recognizing degenerative aging as a medical condition to extend healthy longevity: research methodology, education and policy

Fedor Galkin

Research Director at Deep Longevity, Dubai, UAE

Title: Practical biogerontology and longevity medicine. Introducing aging clocks in clinical practice

Robin Mansukhani

CEO at Deciduous Therapeutics, USA

Title: Harnessing the immune system to ablate senescent cells and treat age related diseases

Natasa Billeci

Founder and CEO, FemmeÂGE, USA

Title: Reproductive Longevity: Challenging Current Perspectives on Ovarian Senescence

Fran Winandy

Acalântis Services, Brazil

Title: Ageism, a new name for an old prejudice

Jyothi Devakumar

CSO and Partner, Longevity Tech Fund, USA

Title: Investment trends within Longevity

Thomas Weldon

Founder and CEO at Ponce De Leon Health, USA

Title: Reversing Your Biologic Age with Rejuvant

Peter Fedichev

Gero LLC PTE, Singapore

Title: Aging clocks, entropy, maximum human lifespan, and the challenge of age-reversal

Lonnele Ball

Institute for Predictive Medicine & Longevity, USA

Title: A Multi-Omic Approach to the Reversal of Chronic Insomnia and the Extension of Brain Span

Manuel S. Faria

Stanford University School of Medicine, USA

Title: Mind and Mortality: The Relationship between The Psychome and Longevity

Mishal Damji

CMO of The Youth Longevity Association, USA

Title: The Youth Longevity Association: Introducing Younger Generations to Longevity

Jose Pedro Castro

i3s - Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, Portugal

Title: Integrative analysis reveals a novel aged clonal B cell population in the origin of spontaneous age-related lymphoma in mice

Yu-Xuan Lu

Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Cologne, Germany

Title: Sex Differences in Autophagy and mTOR Inhibition: A New Frontier in Anti- Ageing Therapies

Vitaly K. Koltover

Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation

Title: Longevity and Aging of Biological Systems: Reliability-Theory Approach

Wu Xifeng

Zhejiang University School of Public Health, China

Title: Development of a Novel Multi-dimensional Measure of Aging to Predict Mortality and Morbidity in the Prospective MJ Cohort

Eliane Kreisler

Pontifical Catholic University, Brazil

Title: Intergenerational relationships, benefits and actions with a positive impact for the new positioning of the 50+ in society, companies and active longevity

Silvia Triboni

Stop Idadismo Association, Portugal

Title: Stop Idadismo Movement – An Ibero-American Moviment

Cynthia Husted

Global Institute for Tibetan Medicine, USA

Title: Tibetan Medicine and Longevity

Shivani Arora

Clemson University, USA

Title: Senomorphics or Senolytics for Vascular Calcification and Cardiovascular Disorders

Robert Konrad Maciejewski

CEO & Co-Founder @ Biolytica AG, Switzerland

Title: "Data-driven Longevity: Harnessing the Potential of Actionable Health Data and Revolutionizing Preventive Care"

Todd Haim

U.S. NIH/National Institute on Aging, USA

Title: U.S. National Institute on Aging’s Seed Funding Programs are seeding key innovations to improve healthspan

Anastasiia Velikanova

Open Longevity, AgingNets Project, UAE

Title: Spectral Analysis Applications to the Study of Human Gene Regulatory Networks Evolution in Aging

Babar Nawaz Abbasi

Zhengzhou University, China

Title: Effects of COVID-19 and Funding Project on Academic Achievements of Master's and Doctoral Training in Henan Province, China: A MMQR Analysis

Bhaweshwar Singh

L.N. Mithila University, India

Title: Discussing Death for Healthy Ageing in Global Perspective

Abir Ghorayeb

University of Bristol, UK

Title: How Smart Home Technology Meets the Needs and Wants of Older Adults: A Qualitative Study on Perspectives and Information Preferences.

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